
Showing posts from December, 2022

7 Christmas Dinner Party Games to Try Out This Year!

Christmas season is a great time to get together with family and friends, have fun, and celebrate the festive spirit. More importantly, a Christmas dinner party is an excellent way to enjoy the holidays and have a great time. So, what do you do during the dinner party? Well, here we are listing seven Christmas dinner party games to try out this year! 1. Christmas Charades: This classic Christmas game is sure to be a hit. It’s easy to play and a great way to get everyone involved in the festivities. All you need are some Christmas themed words or phrases written on slips of paper and placed in a bowl. Divide the guests into two teams, and have each team pick a person to act out their chosen phrase or word. The team that guesses correctly first wins the round. 2. Christmas Trivia: Test your guests’ knowledge of Christmas with this fun game. Come up with some Christmas trivia questions and have the guests answer them. You can also give out prizes for the person or team with the most corr...